
Dandy Modern Food | Malaysia


Digital Strategy


The Dandy Modern Food Team were keen to keep their social media in-house but needed some strategic direction on where to take their marketing.


We were engaged to assist the team with their direction for social posting. We advised on best practices, campaign and post ideas, as well as promotion ideas.

Monthly we would:

  • Meet for a strategy discussion
  • Provide a campaign strategy guide
  • Provide an advertising suggestions advice
  • Be available via email for check ins each month as items came up


For a strategic execution of social media, Dandy Modern Food followed the advice and campaigns to align with their strategy each month for the social media team to execute.

The advice and campaign concepts guided the Dandy Modern Food team to grow their social media channels through alignment with business goals and ultimately, increased their business through the door.


Michelle Yeo

General Manager
Working with Rachael and her team was easy, fun and a great experience. I highly recommend having a conversation with them if you are thinking of investing in your company's social media presence.