
Salon Business Coach


PowerUp Conference 2020 | Marketing Strategy Workshop & Presentation


At the beginning of November in Auckland, the 7th annual PowerUp event was held. This intensive two-day business planning and strategy workshop was designed by Salon Business Coach, Malcolm Gibbons, to help salon owners and their team design a strong business plan for 2021.

RMH Consulting’s, Rachael Hedges was invited to present at the event for 90 minutes to educate salon business owners on the importance of digital marketing within their business.


90minute presentation and workshop


Rachael presented on the complexities of digital marketing and its role within business today for the hair industry.

What Rachael covered in the presentation in a nutshell:

Digital Marketing: The Plan | The Execution | The Hacks

  • Critical in any salon marketing and business strategy for growth and retention, firmly sits digital marketing.
  • Social media and why you need it
  • Subliminal marketing and the hidden effects on your business
  • Why there’s no point marketing without a strategy
  • What does working with a professional for digital look like?

The audience worked through a workbook to create a campaign for their next digital marketing activity.


An interactive presentation which piqued curiosity, held attention, and created engagement within the group. The presentation provided Salon owners an opportunity to find more clarity in regards to the digital marketing realm.